The Edward J Friedman Foundation is an all volunteer, grass roots organization. Other than our golf tournament expenses, 100% of your donation goes directly to support The Ed Friedman Patient Assistance Fund and The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Tax status: The Edward J. Friedman Foundation is a
Section 501 (c) (3) charity.
Our tax ID is 26-4048377.
PayPal is the most secure and accessable way we can process your donation. You have the option to sign on to your existing PayPal account, create a new account, or use the site as a "guest". Your donation will be charged to whatever credit card you choose and will show up on your regular credit card account or will be debited from the bank acount you have designated with PayPal.
If you would prefer to make a donation by check,
please mail it to:
Edward J. Friedman Foundation
105 Old House Court
Baltimore, MD 21208
Click on "Donate" to:
Contribute to the Foundation
Make a memorial contribution
Make an honorary contribution
We will mail a letter acknowledging your donation to the shipping address that you provide during PayPal checkout.
Click "Buy Now" to purchase sets of 5
EJF Foundation contribution cards.